Hi darlings!
A lot of people feel journaling is for kids and when you become a teenager it is "uncool" to have a journal. However, journaling is an amazing way to vent out all your negative energy you might feel, for example: when in an argument, when you are simply having a bad day or just want to express your feelings. Its a cool way to create your little haven where you can express yourself in whatever way you want without being judged which if you live in the 21st century is a huge relief! I love journaling and I can guarantee it will help.

A lot of people feel journaling is for kids and when you become a teenager it is "uncool" to have a journal. However, journaling is an amazing way to vent out all your negative energy you might feel, for example: when in an argument, when you are simply having a bad day or just want to express your feelings. Its a cool way to create your little haven where you can express yourself in whatever way you want without being judged which if you live in the 21st century is a huge relief! I love journaling and I can guarantee it will help.